
Assets are pieces of content you want to make available for your contacts to access. You want to track and report on who is viewing or downloading your assets. You also may want to personalize the contact’s journey based on what assets they interacted with. You may also do lead scoring based on interaction with assets.

Adding assets

To access the asset manager, open the Components section on the left side panel and click assets. If you’ve already added assets, you’ll see the list here. To add a new asset, click the +New button in the top right corner.

Local storage


To upload a file:

  1. Drag the file into the Upload a file box, or click inside the box to browse for a file on your machine.
  2. Enter an Alias (optional). The alias generates from the title if you don’t create your own. The alias becomes the slug on the download URL once you’ve uploaded the asset.
  3. Add a Description (optional.) Descriptions enable other users to understand what the asset is for.

Depending on the file type, you may see a Preview of the asset.

Remote storage

New Asset - Remote Storage

Instead of browsing your computer for a file, you have two remote storage options. Either paste in a link from a cloud storage provider or browse your Openstack, Rackspace, or Amazon S3 for the file.

Asset options

When adding an asset either from local or remote storage, you’ll see options on the right side much like other items in MassiveHand Campaign Works™.

  • Category: Organize your assets based on their goals, campaigns, etc. For more information about categories, see Global Categories.
  • Language: Displays which language your asset is available for. You may use this information in reporting on assets by language.
  • Published: The Yes/No toggle is the fastest way to publish or unpublish an asset. Unpublished assets aren’t available for download or viewing, and can’t be sent as an attachment on an email. Set the beginning, end, or both dates & times for the period you’d like the asset to be available in the boxes.
  • Block search engines from indexing this file: (local storage) To prevent search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc., from indexing and displaying the file in search results for related topics, select Yes.

Accepted file types

MassiveHand Campaign Works™ accepts the following file extensions: .csv, .doc, .docx, .epub, .gif, .ics, .jpg, .jpeg, .mpg, .mpeg, .mp3, .odt, .odp, .ods, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .tif, .tiff, .txt, .xls, .xlsx, .wav.

Making assets available

Asset Download URL

Once you’ve uploaded an asset, you’ll want to make it available for your contacts to access it. Using the Download URL from the asset page in MassiveHand Campaign Works™, you can track which contacts are downloading or viewing the assets.

Copy and paste the link into your website, on a landing page, or as a link in an email. In a MassiveHand Campaign Works™ email or landing page, append ?stream=1 to the end of the URL to open the asset in a new tab.

Whether the asset downloads, or opens in a new tab from a web page depends on the contact’s browser settings. To gate an asset, you may have a form submit action to download an asset.

To ensure that contacts are providing you with valid email addresses for high-value assets, attach the asset to an email and use the send email form submit action rather than instantly downloading the asset.

To block certain email domains from accessing your content through forms, see Blocking domains from submitting forms.